
YHDP Spotlight on Partnering with Tribes: Partnership Between Wambli Ska and South Dakota Balance of State Projects

In 2021, HUD awarded South Dakota Balance of State a Youth Homelessness Demonstration Program (YHDP) designation, including over $3 million in 2021. The YHDP is designed to drastically reduce the number of youth experiencing homelessness in communities across the country. South Dakota has nine Federally recognized Tribes. The South Dakota Balance of State community partners recognized the importance of collaborating with Tribal organizations to address the needs of unhoused Indigenous youth in the state. This product highlights the partnership between Wambli Ska, a Native-led organization, and other projects within the Balance of State. It is intended to provide insight into how to authentically partner with Tribes in the community to address youth homelessness and other housing-related projects.

Click here to read the full report.

Affordable and Rural Housing

Permanent Housing Case Studies & Best Practices

Knowing that examples of permanent housing can be hard to find in rural communities, Collaborative Solutions reached out to our many partners and friends and collected 20 case studies of permanent housing models that work.  Registration is required to access this training. 

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CSH Summit Sessions

Collaborative Solutions Inc. (CS) provides various models of capacity development and technical assistance through the Affordable and Rural Housing Program. This is a comprehensive list of sessions provided through the CS sponsored rural housing track at CSH Summits 2016-2019. Registration is required to access this training. 

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Messaging Matters


DV Peer Network Tools

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Websites with Great Communication Information

Center for Community Change:

Frameworks Institute:

National Housing Conference (Housing Communications tab):

Sightline Institute:

Website on Housing Campaign

Housing Trust Fund Project: