CSI Webinars
Coronavirus-19 Updates

This page has been created to help individuals, organizations and communities sort through a mound of COVID-19-related information. More specifically, the resources listed here highlight topics closely related to the intersection of affordable housing among various vulnerable populations.
This site only provides a starting point, and is not intended to be an exhaustive list. Under the circumstances, information may change daily or hourly in some cases. Therefore, please check here often for the most current information.
Centers for Disease Control (CDC)
- CDC Main Page on COVID-19
- Cases & Latest Updates
- COVID-19: What People with HIV Should Know
- CDC Interim Guidance for Homeless Service Providers
- CDC Environmental Cleaning and Disinfection Recommendations
U. S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD)
- HUD - SNAPS/Homeless Assistance Programs
- SNAPS TA Guidance in Response to COVID-19
- Homeless Assistance Programs/COVID-19 Main Page
- COVID-19 HMIS Setup and Data Sharing Practices - March 21, 2020
- COVID-19 Prevention and Response for Homeless Providers: Daily Resource Digest - March 20, 2020
- Using Continuum of Care Program Funds for Infectious Disease Preparedness and Response - March 13, 2020
- Eligible ESG Program Costs for Infectious Disease Preparedness - March 5, 2020
- Webinar Recording - COVID-19 Planning and Response for Homeless Assistance Providers Office Hours - March 13, 2020
- Webinar Recording - Infectious Disease Preparedness for Homeless Assistance Providers and Their Partners - March 10, 2020
- HUD - HOPWA (Housing Opportunities for Persons with AIDS)
- Using HOPWA Program Funds for Infectious Disease Preparedness and Response - March 19, 2020
U. S. Department of Justice - Office on Violence Against Women (OVW)
- COVID-19 FAQs for OVW Grantees Regarding the Payment and Use of Leave for Grant-Funded Staff
- March 19 2020 Message from OVW Acting Director Rogers Regarding COVID-19 (vs.06) pdf
U. S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS)
- Interim Guidance for COVID-19 and Persons with HIV
- Family and Youth Services Breau: FAQs on Allowable Use of FVPSA Funds During the COVID-19 Public Health Emergency - This FAQ is intended to answer basic questions regarding allowable uses of FVPSA funds for addressing basic needs and providing rental assistance, hotel, motel, utilities, and moving costs.
Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS)
- COVID-19 Response News Alert: CMS Issues Frequently Asked Questions on Catastrophic Health Coverage and the Coronavirus
- CMS Current Emergency - COVID-19 General Information Page
United States Interagency Council on Homelessness (USICH)
- COVID-19 Resources Landing Page
- Webinar Recording: COVID-19 Planning and Response: Isolation and Quarantine: Lessons Learned from King County - March 24, 2020
National Resources
HIV Specific
- NASTAD COVID-19 Resource List - Topics include ARV and DAA supply chains, RWHAP considerations, COVID-19 testing, syringe services programs (SSPs)/drug user health, COVID-19 related xenophobia and racism, policy responses, health department staffing impact, and additional resources list
- The Fenway Institute: Coronavirus, COVID-19, and Considerations for People Living with HIV and LGBTQIA+ People - Document containing general information about COVID-19 with particular concerns for PLWH and LBGTQIA+ people
- UNAIDS: What people living with HIV need to know about HIV and COVID-19 Brochure - Precautions that people living with HIV and key populations should follow to prevent COVID-19 infection
- Infectious Diseases Society of America: COVID-19: Special Considerations for People Living with HIV - This document on special considerations for people living with HIV in light of COVID-19 is intended as a resource for clinicians and public health officials.
Housing and Homelessness
- National Health Care for the Homeless Council Resource Page - COVID-19 information and resources for homeless shelters and homeless service providers including the state of COVID-19 and homeless health care and needed policy responses.
- Webinar Recording - Coronavirus and the HCH Community: Status Updates, Available Guidance, Local Preparations, and Outstanding Issues - March 20, 2020 - Discussion of the current status of the outbreak, the available guidance that is specific to homeless service venues, the preparations that homeless health care providers are making, and the myriad outstanding issues being identified.
- National Alliance to End Homelessness (NAEH): Coronavirus and Homelessness - General COVID-19 guidance for homeless assistance providers and system leaders with a list of federal and government resources, partner resources, and state and local resources
- National Coalition for the Homeless: What Homeless Folks Should Know about COVID-19 - March 10, 2020
- Corporation for Supportive Housing (CSH): COVID-19 Guidance for Supportive Housing Providers - This guidance address home visits, case management, staff training and capacity, considerations for congregate programs and operational issues
- Corporation for Supportive Housing (CSH): Coronavirus Disease: What Supportive Housing Providers Need to Know - CSH has pulled together information from a variety of sources, considering the material from the vantage point of supportive housing providers, to help your agency best support your residents, your staff and your community.
- MAP: Coronavirus Planning for HUD CoC Areas - This application creates an ArcGIS Business Analyst infographic that helps communities in the United States plan for impact of the COVID-19 virus.
- Citizen's Housing and Planning Association (CHAPA): COVID-19 Affordable Housing Updates - State and national updates with housing and non-housing resources
Domestic Violence
- National Network to End Domestic Violence (NNEDV): COVID-10 Resources - Comprehensive list of guidance and resources for emergency preparedness for domestic violence shelters and programs concerning the novel coronavirus
- VAWnet: Preventing & Managing the Spread of COVID-19 Within Domestic Violence Programs - Guidance for shelter settings, faith-based and community organizations, pregnant women and children, and awareness and education resources
- Futures Without Violence: Information on COVID-19 for Survivors, Communities, and DV/SA Programs - Resources for survivors, safety plans and self-care, resources for domestic and sexual violence advocacy organizations, remote workplace and technology resources, shelter care and homelessness, community care, protecting immigrant families, and financial relief for vulnerable communities
- National Domestic Violence Hotline: Staying Safe During COVID-19 - How COVID-19 could uniquely impact intimate partner violence survivors and suggestions for survivors that may make this uncertain time feel a little bit safer.
- National Coalition Against Domestic Violence (NCADV): Blog Post: What Domestic Violence Organizations Need to Know about Coronavirus - March 13, 2020 - Streamlined information and resources for domestic violence organizations.
Rural Specific
- Rural Health Information Hub - Rural Response to COVID-19 - Key federal and state resources to address COVID-19.
Other Topics
- NAACP - Ten Equity Implications of the COVID-19 Outbreak in the United States - A resource to guide officials responsible for addressing health, economic, and other impacts, in remediating some of the issues that are disproportionately affecting communities of color.
- National Association of Social Workers (NASW) COVID-19 Resource Page - Social workers are in a unique position to promote disease prevention efforts (including disseminating accurate information from trusted sources), and to help address anxiety and other concerns that are arising as a result of this public health crisis. This list provides resources to support social workers in this role.
- Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security: COVID-19 Resources - Daily situation reports from the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security, fact sheets, experts in the media, testimonies and additional resource list.
- National Innovation Service: An Equitable Systems Transformational Framework for COVID-19 - NIS is offering a preliminary framework for its partners on how to navigate the COVID-19 response while centering lived experience and racial equity.
- GMHC: LGBTQ Older Adults and COVID-19 - What Providers Need to Know - List of some key ways to ensure LGBTQ (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer) older adults can receive healthcare and support in this difficult time.
- The National Resource Center on LGBT Aging COVID-19 Landing Page
- Harm Reduction Coalition: COVID-19 Guidance for People Who Use Drugs and Harm Reduction Programs - Guidance for safer drug use during the COVID-19 outbreak and tips for community-based syringe services and harm reduction providers
- NASTAD: COVID-19: Suggested Health Department Actions to Support Syringe Services Programs (SSPS) - Several harm reduction and public health partners have developed resources for drug user health response that recognize the additional burdens of housing insecurity, treatment adherence, reduced income (including sex work and other types of labor), chronic and compounding illness, including mental health conditions, and inadequate insurance coverage faced by many SSP participants and other people who use drugs.
State & Local Resources
- What Atlanta CoC is Doing to Address COVID-19 - Topics include outreach, surveys for service providers, intake practices, and COVID-19 general information.
- San Francisco Street Sheet: What if you can’t stay home? COVID-19 Recommendations - Seven policy recommendations to slow the spread of COVID-19 among unhoused people.
- Alameda County Street Outreach COVID-19 Guidance - Guidance for Countywide Street Outreach providers carrying out essential outreach and health care activities during the COVID crisis.
- Alameda County Shelter Health Guidance - Alameda County Health Care for the Homeless guidance and recommendations for service agencies providing care for people experiencing homelessness regarding the COVID-19 Virus.
- City of San Jose: COVID-19 Assistance for Homeless Community - Steps that the City of San Jose is taking to support people experiencing homelessness.
- NYC: Interim COVID-19 Guidance for Homeless Shelters - Guidance to help homeless shelter operators develop plans to limit transmission of COVID-19 in New York City, consider facility readiness and response plans in the event of widespread transmission and implement detailed guidance.
- Texas Health & Human Services: COVID-19 Communication Tools - These communication tools are available to print and share in helping prevent the spread of COVID‑19.
- Seattle Downtown Emergency Service Center (DESC) COVID-19 Updates - DESC’s activities related to COVID-19.
- Accessible Alabama: COVID-19 Resources - Resources from Accessible Alabama specifically addressing the needs of individuals with significant disabilities.
- UW Medicine Landing Page - University of Washington Medicine COVID-19 resource site.
Resources for Nonprofits
- Greater New Orleans Foundation - Nonprofit Essentials for Preparing for the COVID-19 Pandemic - Free webinar series and providing additional resources to help nonprofits in our region better respond to public health threats and any associated operational disruptions that may result from this pandemic. Archived webinars and resources included.
- BoardSource - How Nonprofits and Board Members Can Respond to COVID-19 - Includes frequently asked questions and resources for nonprofit leaders.
- National Council of Nonprofits - Nonprofits and Coronavirus, COVID-19 - Steps nonprofits should take with national and state by state resources.
- Nonprofit Leadership Center: COVID-19 Resources for Nonprofits - Resources on board governance, fund development, financial management, marketing and PR, evaluation and outcomes, management, operations and HR, nonprofit start-up, sample policies and forms.
- Network for Social Work Management: COVID-19 Resources Page - The Network for Social Work Management has collected resources related to COVID-19 that may be of help to social workers, social work students, health and human service professionals, and nonprofits.
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