Joint Transitional Housing and Permanent Housing– Rapid Re-Housing Component Project for Domestic Violence Survivors Frequently Asked Questions

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Domestic violence and sexual assault (DV/SA) service providers have a critical role to play in ending homelessness in their communities. This FAQ document has been developed by the Domestic Violence & Housing Technical Assistance Consortium to respond to questions about the Joint Transitional Housing and Permanent Housing-Rapid Re-Housing Component Project (JCP) and how it can be utilized to expand safe housing options for survivors of DV/SA.


Joint Transitional Housing and Permanent Housing– Rapid Re-Housing Component Project for Domestic Violence Survivors
Open to download resource.
Open to download resource. A resource for domestic violence and sexual assault service providers Domestic violence and sexual assault (DV/SA) service providers have a critical role to play in ending homelessness in their communities. This FAQ has been developed by the Domestic Violence & Housing Technical Assistance Consortium to respond to questions about the Joint Transitional Housing and Permanent Housing-Rapid Re-Housing Component (Joint Component Project) and how it can be utilized to expand safe housing options for survivors of DV/SA.